Wednesday, April 25, 2007


everyone that i know that goes to another school is done. why is that? we started before labor day, when most started after. i just don't understand why we have to go one more week. its very frusterating because i reallllly want, no, NEED to get out of here. my roommate is driving me crazy. to the point where her just existing is annoying. yes, yes. i know, only 7 days left. BUT ITS NOT GOING FAST ENOUGH!

another thing thats not fair is the fact that i was scheduled by the university to enroll in classes tomorrow. its not fair because most other people have already enrolled, meaning that a lot of classes are already full. so i am stuck with the short straw. luckily most of the classes i need have not filled up, but a couple of my labs have. and that makes things difficult. but wouldn't it make sense to leave a couple spots open for the people who are assigned to sign up last? i mean come on.

i'm looking forward to:
interestingly enough, finals week.
thursday may 3rd at 10 am=GOING HOME!
saturday may 5th=GARAGE SALE DAY!
thursday may 10th=flying down to VA for the summer.

i'm sure it will just fly by, but right now, its moving at a snail's pace. i need some sunshine.

here are my clog slippers that i finished. i still have to felt them, and i'm debating whether or not i should do it here. because i realllllly want to felt them, so i can have them. here's a picture of my unfelted clogs.

yes, they are mismatched. i used up my leftover yarn from my pinwheel sweater. i like them a lot. and i think they will be nice and warm, and good for walking to the bathroom next year. i'll post a pic of the felted ones when i actual felt them.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

a tribute to dinah.

my mom told me that dinah, one of our cats, died on saturday. i'm pretty sad about it. more than i thought i would be. but i wasn't really expecting it. she hasn't been that healthy since about last year, when we noticed that she didn't have many teeth left. so we fed her soft food. she was still really skinny. i thought she still had some life in her.

as much as i joked about her, i will still miss her. meowing every day, like clockwork, starting at 3 o'clock. she was a dainty little princess, our three-toothed cat. i feel like we should've done more, made sure she wasn't in pain. but she was pretty old, and it would've probably put more stress on her if we took her into the vet.

RIP Dinah Shore.

Monday, April 16, 2007

alright already.

17 days until i am done with my freshman year. oh man. i am so ready to get out of here.

my roommate thinks she has appendicitis. i think she might too. i feel bad for her, kinda. i've realised that the reason this whole situation bugs me so bad is that we were supposed to be friends. like we were supposed to be those roommates you see only once in a while. that get along really well, and end up being friends for a long time. because its not like i was put in with her, i chose to move in here, thinking that it would be great. and now that its not, it makes it even worse that she is annoying, and that she leaves all the time. i dunno. but i've been thinking about it.

on saturday i had an interview for a receptionsit job for my res. hall next year. it went pretty well, the manager guy said that they were hiring 32 people and there were less people there than that. so he said that we all basically have a job. i will find out for sure on wednesday. it was held in Abbot, my res hall next year, and so i went up to the third floor and looked around, and saw the door of my room. it is very exciting.

in knitting news, i am still working on my striped raglan sweater. i have about 11 1/2 inches of the body done. it was weird, because i last measured it when i only had about 6 1/2 inches done, and then i measure again last night and suddenly i have 11 1/2 inches! weird! but i guess it goes pretty fast. i will take a pic later and post it. i'm a little surprised in myself that i haven't already put it down and started something else. but its really easy to do, and i want to see it done!

so i'm off to class.

here's my sweater as of 10:40 pm. i now have about 14 inches, and i'm going to start the ribbing soon. how exciting!

jackie went to the hospital i guess. i called her to see what was going on, but it went to her voicemail. i really do hope she is ok, as much as i don't like her i don't want anything bad to happen to her. we'll see i guess. goodnight!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

ira. glass.

so ira glass is coming to MSU in March of 2008. now, when i found this out i about had a coniption.

jess and i are planning to sit in the front row, with signs. we are going to meet him, no matter what. and we will come bearing knitted gifts. this will truly be the best day of our lives. we are going to take this whole year to prepare for that moment.

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oh, i also saw RENT tonight. which let me tell you, is probably the best thing i've ever seen. the cast was fabulous, and..i just can't even describe it. we were soo close. it was great. having kt here has been a blast! good weekend!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

i guess it would be nice.

i've started a sweater. it's a top down raglan, meaning that i knit it from the top down. its super easy! and no seaming when i'm done, hurray for that! i'm using Red Heart Soft in a minty green and chocolate brown. i really like it, and it only cost me about $12. usually i don't use Red Heart, because i can be a bit of a yarn snob, but i quite like the soft version of it. and for $2.99, how can i not use it? here's a picture of my progress.

i took that yesterday afternoon, and i worked on it pretty much all night. i did a whole green stripe and am about half way through a brown stripe. i am almost done with the increasing rows, and then i will be able to go on to the body. how exciting!

jess and i are kinda doing a knit-a-long. she is knitting a cardigan though. we went to JoAnn's and Michael's yesterday and i bought a skein of Lion Brand Wool to finish up my felted slippers. i finished one, but didn't feel like starting the other one. they are mismatched, but that makes me love them more. i can't wait to felt them and use them next year!

i just finished this book, The History of Love by Nicole Krauss. it was really good. i want to read it again, because i want to kinda put the pieces together. its definitely something that i would buy and read again and again. next i'm going to read Reefer Madness by Eric Schlosser. he wrote Fast Food Nation and i really enjoyed that. this one is about the black market in america, i hope its as good as FFN.

kaitie is coming up tomorrow night and hanging out because we are going to see RENT! i'm very excited! i can't wait to see her, and it will fun to have her up here!

i do not like the fact that it is snowing today. or that it is cold. why? yesterday turned out very nice, and now its 30 degrees? weird. but its michigan, what should i expect, eh?